Losing your password can put you in serious trouble sometimes. Especially with iOS devices, getting through the security becomes a hectic job. One of the greatest losses is forgetting note passwords. All the poems, to-do lists, and special notes go in vain! However, there’s a way out which helps to recover your forgotten password. Well, all your efforts didn’t go to waste. With … [Read more...]
What are the Best Ways to Download Videos?
In this advanced world, there are many excellent sources for getting information. But among all the sources, online videos are the most suitable and easy way to gain knowledge. In addition, research says that the general public used to remember something that they have seen in a video for a more extended period rather than texts. That is why plenty of video streaming … [Read more...]
Master Video Editing Using Simple Tips
Now that you've finished shooting your movie or music video, it's time to move to the post-production step. This process, like filming, needs a combination of imagination and technical expertise. So we've put up a list of useful ideas, strategies, and "life hacks" below to make the video editing process simpler and more effective. These pointers won't teach you how to edit your … [Read more...]
What is ANT radio service? Do I need it?
The world of smartphones is ever-evolving. All smartphones have many pre-installed apps and services on them. One of those apps is the ANT Radio Service app. If you have ever come across that app, you might wonder why it is on your phone. It is an app that comes pre-installed on many Android smartphones. In this article, we will have a look at everything about the ANT Radio … [Read more...]
Fix VLC Building Font Cache Issue
The VLC media player is one of the best and most popular software to play music and videos on a computer and smartphone. Just like people know GarageBand for music mixing and composition, VLC made its name as a primary choice for media players. Thanks to the long list of audio/video formats it supports. While VLC has been in the market for quite a few years now, the software … [Read more...]