Getting a YouTube video’s URL is simple. You just copy the URL from the address bar. But what to do if you want to get the URL of a Facebook video? What to do if you see a video on your news feed and want to send the video’s link to a friend. Its actually not that difficult to obtain Facebook video URL. Facebook have an inbuilt feature to obtain the URL. But most of the FB users are not aware or haven’t found out about this.
Related: How To Disable Facebook Video Autoplay
How to get Facebook video URL
Assuming the video is appearing on your news feed, the first step is to right click on that video. When you right click, you can see “Show video URL”.
Simply click on that and the link will be shown. All you have to do now is select the link and copy it. Simple as that.
Seeing how video content has started dominating the web, especially in Facebook, finding the download link of any FB video can be helpful for those who don’t know it already.
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but what if you want to know the original URL on Youtube .. to send to people that don’t use facebook ..
YouTube URLs can be obtained simply from the address bar.
Greetings, Abhijith:
Facebook seems to have changed things up again and made it difficult to find the URL for a specific FB video.
Until recently, finding the URL of the Video or it’s post wasn’t a problem, using methods such as you describe.
But now, the URL for a video is a ‘generic’ URL for all that user’s videos. They all have the same URL. Using that link gets the person’s most recent video to play, instead of the one you wanted from earlier in their history.
I want to capture the URL of someone’s specific video, so I can find it later (or send it, etc.)
Each video has a unique URL. Just follow the method explained here.
The explained method no longer works now, all the video urls are all the same.
Noticed this a few days ago but just thought there was something wrong with my downloader.
The method still works. It is for finding the video URL, not for downloading.
I confirm that the method still works. Literally right-click a video on facebook to find its URL.
How to find the url link when using Facebook on mobile?
OK, let me clarify what my problem was and the workaround I found.
First, yes, you can get the URL of a FB video and that URL will always get you to that video to play. However, I am using an application, iTube Studio, to download FB videos. It gets confused by this URL, since FB presents the video in a ‘floating’ format that contains previews of other videos. iTube Studio wants to download whichever video it finds first within the code of that floating area, rather than the currently playing video.
To download the video, iTube Studio needs a URL that isolates the video on a page by itself. Desired video downloading may fail if there are other videos visible on the page (such as in a Facebook timeline). Some time recently, Facebook made a change that causes videos to play in a superimposed player page that includes other videos. This may be seen when clicking on a video or pasting the URL of the video. Even though the URL does link directly to the desired specific file, playing always occurs in context with other videos, causing possible failure.
I have come up with an odd workaround, at least for iTube Studio, that might be a solution for other downloading applications or uses. This finds a page that has only the one video, the URL for which may be used for downloading via iTube Studio.
1. Find where Facebook displays the number of “shares” near the video. This may be under the video where you first saw it posted or to the right of the video when playing in its superimposed multi-video page. Hover over this link and you’ll see a list of people who shared this video URL.
2. Right-click on the “shares” link and open in a new window or tab (or copy the link address to the clipboard). This is the URL that will work with iTube Studio. Never mind that it’s a link to someone’s post OF that video, but if you keep bookmarks, you’ll still want to keep the URL of the video itself, rather than a post.
3. Paste the URL into iTube Studio.
This is right click doesn’t work when using mobile app . Works on mobile web only ..pls advise
In mobile app, there is no way. However, if you’re trying to download a video from Facebook, then you can simply use Google chrome, long press on the video and then download it
Sadly, it doesn’t work too.
Actually it does. Can you tell me what’s the difficulty you are facing.
how do you block videos in fb so when someone buffs it up, it wont work. People keep draining the net and I want to find a way to stop it.
You can disable video autoplay to save some data balance