Are you wondering why your playstore is not responding or loading? Is this what you playstore shows when you try to open it?
Are you trying to download an application and it is showing Pending ??
Is it because of your internet connection?
Is it some kind of virus or error with Google database?
Let us see what causes this error in your smartphone which makes you unable to use playstore and download applications.
There can be various reasons for this error to occur. Let us see some common one first.
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Slow Internet Connection
Currently Google is trying to optimize all of its Android applications to use as less data as possible but still, they require a steady and decent speed internet connection to load. So if you are in an area where internet is not strong or your signals are weak and the connection is dropping frequently then the playstore might show this error.
Check your Internet connection and maybe the problem gets solved for you.
Check Date and Time
Sometimes due to a system error or a virus, the date and time of the smartphone is disturbed.
In this case, the Google Playstore shows the error as it cannot connect to the server with a wrong date-time configuration.
If you find this is the problem then, rectify this error by just correcting your date and time manually.
Clear Cache
If you find no help from the above methods then you may try to clear your cache and data files from your system memory and start the application fresh.
Sometimes the memory of our smartphone forgets to refresh the data of a particular application which is saved inside it. This causes the application to stop working or freeze for a moment or permanently. The best way to avoid this is to Clear your cache files and restart the application or restart your phone.
Now let us check us some not so common methods which can help you access the Google Playstore and remove the error.
Problematic Google Account.
As we all know the Google Playstore connects all its application to the Google account of its users. So, sometimes the Google account which is connected with the Playstore stops syncing from the Google servers, it shows an error “Check your connection and try again”
This is a very simple method and works for everyone.
You have to just log out and log in from your Google Account on your smartphone.
For this you may Go to your Settings>>Accounts>>Google >> Logout
Or you may clear the data of your Playstore by using Apps Info.
Once you clear the data and open the application, Playstore will ask you to login with your Google Account and as soon as you log in Playstore will function normally.
Bad Proxies
If you are using a Wi-Fi network then, in that case, you might want to look into your proxy settings. Google doesn’t allow it’s servers to connect via most of the proxies people use.
It might due to this reason that your playstore is unable to load the content.
To check your Wi-Fi proxy setting.
Go to Settings>>Wi-Fi
Go to Advanced settings (or long press the network you are connected to)
If there are some values in the proxy then delete those values and set the proxy to all zeros.
In this way, you will clear off your invalid proxy and your Playstore will work.
I hope one of these methods will help you definitely to get rid of this error.
If your error still persists then let us know in the comments sections below and we will try to help you out instantly.
If you have tried any other method to solve this problem then let us know in the comments section. We will be happy to add that method in our content for our reader’s. 🙂
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