While there are different perks of owning an iOS device, some of the disadvantages just get to your nerves. Updates on iPhone might take months to come but once it’s there, no other device can compete with it. However, one common problem that all have referred to is finding a clipboard on iPhone. One of the issues that iOS devices carry forward every year is the lack of a clipboard on the device.
The clipboard on iPhone is an inherent function that allows users to transfer the copied data from one application to another or to a different area in the same application. However, one disadvantage is that the function allows only one thing to be stored at a time.
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Is there a clipboard file in iPhone?
In simple words, there is no physical file location for the clipboard in the device. However, there are different ways via which you can put this feature to use. Let’s dig into this.
Other methods that can act as a replacement to clipboard
Even though there is no direct access to the clipboard on iPhone, using Notes can help deal with the situation perfectly. All you need to do is visit the application on the iOS device and paste the data you have copied earlier. This is a great way to store things without losing it.
To paste the data, you have to long-press on the screen which brings up the option to Paste. Click on it to paste the data. However, if nothing appears then the data hasn’t been copied in the first place.
Another amazing feature of owning an iPhone is to use Notes as a widget. You can make your To-Do-List and keep it on your home screen as a reminder.
Third-Party Apps
Keep this as the last option to resolve things with. If you are someone who actively manages the clipboard on an iPhone with a lot of data to be stored at the same time, using Clip+ as a solution seems to be the right plan. This app has several features which can increase your daily work speed. Clip+ supports different features like Apple Watch snippet creation, directions, and affiliate links. Well, all of these together create a wonderful media-rich experience for the user. The best part of using this application is the use of AI which auto-detects the media you copied and provides you a glance of what the snippet will contain.
Universal Clipboard
This has gained a lot of fame since the launch of iOS 10. The Universal clipboard is an amazing tool to copy data from one iOS device to another without creating much fuss. All you need to do is have the same iCloud account logged in to both the devices and sharing the content between the device will become easier. However, there are other ways as well to transfer data like Airdrop. Therefore, it totally depends on you whether you want to go the extra mile to sign in to the same iCloud account on both devices.
Well, 3 different ways have been covered on how to make effective utilization of clipboards on iPhone. Even though there is no physical storage location for the data you just copied, it is a privilege to paste it anywhere you want.
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